Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


With the aim of keeping everyone smiling and ensuring a perfect ceremony,  we ask that you read the following to ensure there are no misunderstandings.

Please ask if any of the following is unclear and you would like clarification 😉 The spirit of Simple Ceremonies, is to offer a simple option to getting married. It removes a lot of the fuss and expense of a traditional wedding ceremony - whilst maintaining the essence - beauty and sincerity.

In addition, we are required to meet a Code of Conduct as perscribed by the Attorney General's Department. Click here to see the code

A Simple Ceremony is not for everyone.

Please ensure that you are clear on the sort of service you will receive before you make your booking. A Simple Ceremony, as it's name suggests, is simple in nature. You will be provided with the highest level of service, within this frame-work. Simple Ceremonies does not offer a cheap service. Although our pricing is significantly less than many celebrants and the Registry Office, it is because we have cut out the "fuss". Now, this is not for everyone. If you are looking for a big wedding on the cheap, Simple Ceremonies is not for you. You may want to consider my other service - Sydney Marriage Celebrant


A. Full payment is required at time of booking.

At the time of booking the full fee is required. This needs to be paid by credit card.

B. Non-refundable fee

Once you have confirmed a booking by paying the fee, this fee is non-refundable.

C. Re-scheduling fee of $85. 

In some circumstances, you may be able to change the location, date or time of your booking, with the payment of a re-scheduling fee of $85. The following conditions must apply to be able to make a change;

  • you provide at least one calendar month and two days notice
  • you have not changed the date or time of your ceremony more than twice previously
  • the new date and time of your ceremony is not more than 12 months on from your original booking date
  • your original booking was not a "Special" offer (this relates to bookings made using a discounted offer)

In addition to the re-scheduling fee of $85, there may be an additional charge reflecting any changes that have occurred to the scheduled fee, since your original booking. To change your location, date or time of a ceremony you will need to email us and we will then need to confirm, by email, that this new location, date and time are available. You will then be asked to pay the re-scheduling fee plus any additional fee relating to a change in the scheduled fees before the details of your new ceremony are confirmed.

D. Shortening of Time

If you wish to apply for a "Shortening of Time" we charge a fee of $110, in addition to your standard booking fee.

Both the full ceremony fee and the "Shortening of Time" fee are payable before we can provide a Shortening of Time Booking confirmation letter.

The fee covers;

- the preparation of our standard letter confirming your proposed ceremony and that your NoIM has been lodged.

- rescheduling your ceremony, if shortening of time is granted.

This fee is non-refundable.

E. Online.

All advertised fees are based on all bookings being made online and the Notice of Intended Marriage form being completed online, through our website and documents then uploaded.

You are responsible for entering your details and ensuring they are 100% correct (and when applicable, EXACTLY agree with the ID you will be using on the day of your ceremony).

Non-online bookings (Eg phone bookings) incur an additional fee of $80.

Notice of Intended Marriage forms not completed through our online system will incur an administration fee of $110.



F. The paperwork There is certain documentation that is required, by law, to get married. It is your responsibility to provide this in the prescribed manner.

These include;

a) Notice of Intended Marriage

  • This needs to be completed at least 1 calendar month prior to the ceremony date. It is the couple getting married responsibility to ensure the form is completed, signed, witnessed by an Authorised Person and provided to Simple Ceremonies at least one calendar month prior to the booked ceremony date.

If you DO NOT return the accurately completed, signed and witnessed NoIM at least one calendar month prior to your ceremony date (and you still wish to get married) you have two options;

  • i) if applicable, you may be able to apply to have a shortening of time so you can still get married on the same date. It will be your responsiblity to arrange this and pay associated costs.
  • ii) rebook and pay in full for another later date.

The NoIM needs to be prepared through the simpleceremonies.com.au website then signed, witnessed and uploaded back onto simpleceremonies.com.au

Handwritten forms and those not prepared in alternative manners will be accepted - HOWEVER, they will incurr and additional administration fee of $110.

ANY amendments  that need to be made to the Notice of Intended Marriage (due to your error or ommision), after you have submitted the form (clicked on the "SUBMIT" button on our website) for preparation, will incur an administration fee of $50.

If you require the NoIM to be transfered to another celebrant the cost is $110.

b) Identification

  • On the day of your ceremony, you will need to provide identification. There are only two options;

i) a passport - this can be of any nationality and can also be expired OR ii) original Birth Certificate AND official Australian photo ID eg a Drivers License or Proof of Age card.

If using other than these, please provide prior to the day of your ceremony to confirm they are acceptable. All documents not in English must be accompanied by an original NAATI Certified translation.

c) Previously Married

  • If you have been previously married you will be required to provide original divorce paper or death certificate. All documents not in English must be accompanied by an original NAATI Certified translation.

d) Interpreter

If either party to the ceremony does not confidently speak and understand English you are required to have an Interpreter at the ceremony. The interpreter can be anyone over 18 years old who fluently speaks English and the other language of the party.

Before arriving at the ceremony they will need to have completed a Certificate of Faithful Performance - this must be completed prior to the ceremony

NB. If you do not provide the required paperwork or documentation (listed above) prior to your ceremony,  we may be unable to marry you.

If as a result, you then need to reschedule your ceremony, you will need to pay the full booking fee again.

f) Letters. If a letter from a celebrant is required (such as; for immigration or a request for a transfer) the fee to prepare this letter is $50. This includes preparing the letter and then emailing as a PDF or it can be collected, by arrangement, from our office.

To arrange a letter simply make a request, with all details via email.

Additional letters or corrections (due to no fault of Simple Ceremonies)  will incur an additional fee of $50.

NB. In relation to a Lodgement Voucher or a shortening of time, the cost of the first letter is included in the fee of. Additional letters will incur an additional fee of $50.

If you need to have your Notice of Intended Marriage transfered to another celebrant the cost is $110.


G. Rehearsal

If you feel you would like to have a rehearsal, we will be happy to facilitate this for you. There will be an additional charge of $150 for this service.

H. Late arrival.

If you have not arrived within 10 minutes of the start of your ceremony time, we will need to reschedule your ceremony. You will need to rebook at the additional full fee for your ceremony. If the celebrant is able to delay their departure or return later that day, they will, however, the full fee will need to be paid again in full. When planning your ceremony please remember that the celebrant must leave no later than 30 minutes after your booked start time. Please ensure you and your guests are ready to commence at the time you have booked your ceremony.

Delayed Start. If scheduling permits the celebrant to extend their stay, the additional time will be charged at $75 per 30 minutes or part thereof - ie minimum additional fee $75. 

I. Number of guests.

Each location has a set number of guests that can attend. This must be adhered to. If the numbers exceed this we reserve the right not to proceed with your ceremony.

J. Confetti.

Park Ceremonies. The Council does not allow the throwing of rice, confetti, glitters, sprays, poppers or streamers. Instead, you are encouraged to use more natural alternatives such as petals and/or bubbles. All petals must be removed after the ceremony. Synthetic petals are prohibited.

K. Park Locations

We have selected beautiful parks, for your ceremony, that do not incur a fee or require any specific booking - this keeps the price down. As such, we can't guarantee their condition or that they will always be available, due to their maintenance. 

If we consider they may not be suitable we will contact you to let you know. We will provide you will an equivalent location at the same date and time (price, proximity and view).

Please feel free to discuss prior to your booking.

L. Code of Practice

All Marriage Celebrants must comply with the Code of Practice, to ensure a minimal level of service to all couples getting married. Click here to see this Code of Practice.

We believe we provide a service that well exceeds this Code of Practice.

However, if you are not happy with the service provided, to you, by Simple Ceremonies or their partnered celebrants, please contact us directly immediately at wedo@simpleceremonies.com.au or              (02) 80033919 as we would like to resolve any of your issues as quickly as possible.

However, if you feel your concerns have not been resolved in a satisfactory manner you can make a formal complaint to the Attorney General's Departments.

To make a formal complaint click through to the Attorney General's website here