A marriage celebrant can only  marry you after an Authorised Person has witnessed your NoIM.

Who is an Authorised Person?

Before your marriage celebrant ( or the Marriage Registry Office) can marry you, you need to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage (NoIM) form.

This form needs to be witnessed by an Authorised Person before it can be lodged with your marriage celebrant.

Below are a list of Authorised Persons

In Australia

(a) if a party signs the Notice in Australia—an authorised  Celebrant,  a Justice of the Peace, a barrister or solicitor, a legally qualified medical practitioner* , or a member of the Australian Federal Police or the police force of a State or Territory;


a) Video Witnessing - click here to find out how.

b) Police Office - all you need to do is visit any police station and they will be able to witness your signature.

* A legally qualified medical practitioner means a person who is registered as a licensed practitioner with the Medical Board of Australia. The category is limited to GPs and specialist doctors but does not include pharmacists or physiotherapists.

NB. Authorised Persons who can witness DO NOT include: Accountants, Pharmacists, Physiotherapist, Vets and Registered Nurses. 

Outside Australia

(b) if a party signs the Notice outside Australia — an Australian Consular Officer, an Australian Diplomatic Officer, a notary public, an employee of the Commonwealth authorised under paragraph 3(c) of the Consular Fees Act 1955, or an employee of the Australian Trade Commission authorised under paragraph 3(d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955. Note: For the definitions of Australian Consular Officer and Australian Diplomatic Officer, see section 2 of the Consular Fees Act 1955

Before you complete your Notice you need to make your booking with a marriage celebrant or the marriage registry office. The easiest way to may a booking to get married is by clicking here